Monday, December 8, 2008

The Twelve Days of Stress Management

I was passing through the Wilkinson Center and I saw a stress management booth on the way to my dance class. I thought it was funny, so I thought I would spread it here.

On the 1st day of Finals my parents said to me: "Grades won't matter in eternity."

On the 2nd day of Finals I faced reality: "Just do your best."

On the 3rd day of Finals my best friend said to me: "Think of Christmas break."

On the 4th day of Finals a stranger said to me, "Don't forget to breathe."

On the 5th day of Finals I murmured frequently: "This too shall pass."

On the 6th day of Finals on research paper three: "Six more pages..."

On the 7th day of Finals my roommate said to me: "Let's do some Yoga."

On the 8th day of Finals my poor brain said to me: "One thing at a time, please."

On the 9th day of Finals St. Nicholas said to me: "Relax to some music."

On the 10th day of Finals me professor said to me: "You're going to make it."

On the 11th day of Finals the clock reminded me: "24 hours and counting..."

On the 12th day of Finals I finally felt relief: "One last question!"
"24 hours and counting..."
"You're going to make it."
"Relax to some music."
"One thing at a time, please."
"Let's do some Yoga."
"Six more pages..."
"This too shall pass."
"Don't forget to breathe."
"Think of Christmas Break."
"Just do your best."
"Grades won't matter in eternity."


cspokey said...

I was totally going to post this! Gosh! It was even one of my old teachers who was sitting at a booth and gave me the hand out, bonus points for me!

James Thomas Klotzle said...

You're going to make it!

Your eloquence and sense of humor proves it...


-James T.

Stress Management Coach