You all know how I am at one in the morning right, where I am incoherent and crazy? Well I had decided to set my Facebook status to something humorous via my cell phone.
I set it as "Sam won't make-out with you; it is bad for the complexion."
And then two friends wrote on my wall disagreeing with me.
I thought putting the status as; Sam won't make jokes about making-out, he has been berated by practitioners (The kind of people who have girlfriends or who are liberal in such actions...) who disagree with me.
Such is the world, right?
Maybe I should just make my status as sound as vague as possible, something like Sam may or may not make-out with you at some indiscernible time in the future. I don't think that would work, as there may be someone who will think that I am contemplating making -out with them, and just don't have any initiative to do so, or don't know how to go about initiating such a thing. Though, regardless of intentions, the latter is true. I guess that is a good thing though.
So I guess I'll have to put something like Sam has discovered that there is no laughter (or laughs) in making-out. Which thinking about it briefly can mean that I attempted to laugh while making-out. Shall I say there is no humor in making-out? Would that work?
Or would I be better off at avoiding such a thing to poke laughs at altogether?
In the end I had my status as "Sam won't make any jokes about making out while at 1 in the morning anymore." But that just wasn't humorous.
Oh well.
28 Fuzzy Feline Funnies for Instant Caturday Joy
3 hours ago
I wouldn't know...being VL and all
I would guess that having Virgin Lips would give a unique point of view to poke fun at those who make out. I guess I was wrong?
Well, I suppose I could poke fun of you, but you're already poking fun at yourself. I guess there's just a part of me that feels very left out. Guess it's time for me to pull out the mistletoe...
Left out? I haven't been participating in anything of the sort, so I don't know what you're talking about.
And you may have discovered my weakness, provided you get me under it, as I adhere to such Christmas traditions, even though the opportunity has never arisen.
Well, it's not you really. It's the whole world. And I really should get over it. Everything's directed at romance nowadays, it does not fill me with happyness. But, I will get over it anyway. One day. Stupid hopeless romantic.
Nowadays? Hasn't everything always been directed at romance?
I can look up the date a vampire site I discovered a while ago, just in case you are lonely.
Perhaps I'm just more observant about those things now that so many of my friends are married and pregnent.
Just because I'm a vampire doesn't mean I want to date vampires. But thanks anyways.
You sure? Unholy undead abominations need some loving too.
Maybe you should hang out in the periodicals then with some mistletoe. You might not be VL anymore.
Are you calling me an unholy, undead abomination? Be careful what you say.
As for the periodicals, I've never actually been there. Maybe once, when I did the library tour as a freshman.
I don't think I have heard of any holy vampires, except maybe in Buffy? Maybe you are holy. But I was in fact stereotyping the general vampire.
So maybe it is time to visit the periodicals then?
So you're saying the vampires in Twilight are evil? I guess that's good to know. Never stereotype. Even vampires have feelings!
Do I want to visit the periodicals? I've heard some stories...
The Cullins by nature are evil, as in they eat humans. But if we classify the vampire as an animal, whose preferred prey is the human, then actually no vampire is evil as they are killing to survive.
If we classify the vampire as an undead abomination, then by the nature of them killing humans, they are evil. So by nature the Cullins are evil and fight their natural tendencies.
Now when they start becoming superheroes and fighting crime, then we can start to classify them more as good rather than neutral or evil.
But all those stories had to do with making out, did they not?
I suppose, since that is the main reason Edward does not want Bella to become a vampire, he is sure that he, himself has lost his soul. He believes himself to be vile, even if Bella thinks otherwise.
Yes, they do have much to do about making out. Many things do. Which I try to avoid. Most days.
Well if we go by Mormon standards, Eddie has killed people before, so thus he would go to the lowest of the three kingdoms...
So on a day you don't feel like avoiding the make-out scene, head on over there.
True, he has killed people. But he never had the gospel, so hopefully there's a bit of a chance for repentance? He does feel bad about what he has done.
I'll check it out eventually. Perhaps my last semester of college?
He'd have to talk to the First Presidency, who would have to receive a major revelation to allow vampires to be baptized.
And your last semester. That doesn't sound fun.
I suppose he would. Hmmm.
Why not. ;)
wow!! some seriously confusing conversation right there. Making out is funny, and making out could be bad for your complexion depending on this situation and other variables, so make sure the variables are set right and you should be okay.
Green Giant, you may have to tell me more of these so called "variables".
depending on whether or not you get a pie in the face of course, or whether its pouring acid rain outside at the moment of the kiss? there are so many variables it isn't even funny. who knows what a kiss could bring on. atomic wedgie? atomic bombs? a new cold war era? it could all come crashing down. watch out for the kisses
So by your logic, the current escalation of violence between Israel and Hamas is my fault. So that means I can bring about the destruction of the world by the amount of girls I kiss. Interesting.
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