The latest from my brother, Elder Fields, serving in Chicago.
Dear viewers,
This week was Elder Th.'s last full week in the mission, and he put in an extra burst of strength to avoid getting to trunky. As far as I'm concerned he's done a far better job at that than the previous comps I've had. It was very difficult for him this week because right now our area has nothing going for it and it's a real struggle to find the work to do. Saturday was a nice break for us though. We celebrated Elder Th.'s birthday by going to one of the lake piers in our area to have a little fun. We threw random objects into the frozen water to see if it would break the ice, took awesome pictures, ect... who says it has to be summer time to enjoy the lake, right?
After saterday we continued our struggle to find work. With Tuesday being Elder Th.'s last full proselyting day we probably worked harder that day than all the rest of the transfer. Tuesday night we awaited the nerve racking transfer call. Elders Th. and Tz. are going home. Elder M. is also getting transfered. Their replacements are the Naper 6 missionaries; Elders K. and S. who got double transfered out of their area. Elder M. got Elder K. as a companion and I wasn't exactly thrilled with this news. I knew Elder K. when he was serving in Pullman and I didn't really like his attitude; he made fun of me a lot and was way too touchy. But even in this case I would have still prefered him to be my new comp because I know he's a hard worker and would work me to death the same way Elder P. and Elder B.did. That's pretty much the only thing I like about him, but he's not my comp; just in my district. Instead I got stuck with Elder S; he was in my MTC district.
I've been keeping track of all the people I've met out here, where they are , who they're with, ect... neither Elder S. or I have ever been Sr companion before so I know that this transfer is going to be very difficult for me! I am area senior and he's designated driver so we're about even.
Unlike with Elder K., I don't know Elder S.'s work ethic, I don't know if the burden of the area will be on my shoulders alone or if he will honestly share it with me. What I do know is that Elder S. has only spenty one transfer in each of his last two areas and both of them closed down. That isn't a good sighn for me. I knew when I came here that the area would eventually close, it was just a matter of when and who I would be with when that happened. Right now I feel like I've got the weight of the world on my shoulders. Right now the area isn't looking good and it's already on President R.'s chopping block. I hope he didn't just put Elder S. here to close the area! I may have to work harder than I've ever had to work before in my mission to keep this area open for one more. My goal is to be in this area for three months and not just six weeks. I want to do what Elder O. did when President R. told him that he had just six more weeks before his area would close indefinitely; Elder O. worked so hard that transfer that President R. actually changed his mind and kept that area open. I have to pull that here because now all eyes in the mission are on me to see what I'm truly made of and what I can do. Everyone I've met out here has thought so highly of me even though I've never really given them any reason to. Now this transfer with Elder S. i will ether prove I've got what they say I got or completely screw it up. My hope is for the first but I can't do it alone. Elder S. can coast along for the first week because he's the new guy, but after that, he's got to pull his weight because this is a job that I absolutely can't do alone!
Please pray hard for me! I could use all the advice and encouragement that I can get! I am really worried about this next transfer. I feel like the wight of the world has just fallen on my shoulders, I just hope I dont get crushed under it.
love Elder Fields.
28 Fuzzy Feline Funnies for Instant Caturday Joy
3 hours ago
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